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The American-Airlines Strike

by Jordan Corts Over this past Halloween weekend, American Airlines, one of the largest airlines in the world, had numerous...

Haunted Trail Recap

by Rickayla Myles The Greenfield School Haunted Trail was one of the best haunted trails in Greenfield history. This haunted trail was...

Greenfield's Upcoming Trip to Spain

by Rickayla Myles During Spring Break of 2022 (April 16-23), there will be a trip to Spain for sophomores, juniors, and seniors....

Fall Family Night Recap

by Jordan Corts Did you miss Greenfield’s Fall Family Night but still want a scoop on what happened? Well, then this is the article for...

The Greenfield-Clayton Bus

by Jordan Corts Greenfield is quite a large school, and with large schools comes copious amounts of people. However, not everyone lives...

The Old Family Virginian Cemetery

by Darcy Dean “Are you ready?” asked my dad as we clambered out of his grey minivan. “Heck yeah!” I responded enthusiastically. After...

Music Review: J. Cole

by Ethan Carraway J.Cole is one of the most influential artists in the rap game, and he continues to put out amazing music in every album...

The Loop

by Darcy Dean As soon as the wheels of the car stopped turning, I leapt out of the car and threw my bookbag violently just inside the...

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