by Rickayla Myles
The Greenfield School Haunted Trail was one of the best haunted trails in Greenfield history.
This haunted trail was very suspenseful because all you heard in line was the banging, people screaming and yelling, and the creepy music.
Here's what you couldn't miss about the haunted trail: when you first walked in, you got to the hospital full of creepy children, which was genuinely scary and terrified me as I did not know what was next to come. Second was when I went into the woods and would get freaked out by the scary-looking clowns. Lastly was when the clowns would walk behind you very quietly and you wouldn't notice until they screamed at you.
I really hope that these elements are replicated next year because the haunted trail is extremely fun to walk through at night and it is fun to go with family and friends. I recommend everyone to go next year because it is worth your time!