by Ethan Carraway
Three weeks ago, a devastating blow was sent to the community of Nashvillem Tennessee, when a man named Aiden Hale decided to take his anger out on innocent children.
The school, The Covenant School, is a school that houses kids graded Kindergarten to sixth grade. His intent was to eliminate as many children he could before the cops got to him, which is exactly what happened.
The shooting lasted about 15 minutes. It’s clear that he was a man with many issues, possibly a mental disorder, or maybe he was just a terrible person. Hale was taken down by the Nashville Police on the scene.
According to the Nashville Police, used to attend the school. This could be linked to why he did what he did. There is a possibility that he was bullied or made fun of when he went to The Covenant and that could possibly be his motive.
All we can do is send our best wishes to the families of the 3 children and three adults who were murdered that day. Their names are Evelyn Diekhaus, William Kinney, Hallie Scruggs, Cynthia Peak, Katherine Koonce, Mike Hill.