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Staff Editorial: Should we all own autonomous cars?

by The Knight's Post Staff

Edited and compiled by Staff Editor Brenner Cobb


The proposals we are considering in this piece are represented by the questions of: “Will autonomous vehicles make our roads safer?” “How should we regulate autonomous vehicles?”, and “Should all drivers switch to driving autonomous vehicles?” The debate surrounding autonomous vehicles explores topics including establishing liability in accidents between such vehicles, the affordability of autonomous cars, and the fundamental issue created by differences of opinion on the freedom of a driver to control their vehicle rather than have it controlled by onboard computers and, by extension, the corporations that manufacture the cars.

Regardless of whether an individual favors autonomous vehicles or not, everyone should realize that these types of vehicles are being seen more and more on our roads. As the technology used to create and operate them continues to improve to keep up with innovation, autonomous cars will become more advanced. Before these vehicles become the norm, we should question if we really want them driving us around and if machine truly knows better than man. We should also consider the difficulties of regulating their use, establishing what credentials are needed to operate them, who, or what, would be considered liable in an accident between autonomous vehicles, and other legal questions.

Greenfield students should care because they are the drivers of the future. Students should take the time to begin learning about these vehicles while they are in school so they can make informed decisions about whether, and how, to operate them in the future. Since our fellow students will likely be driving some of the first autonomous vehicles to be widely owned and operated, they should be a part of the discussion regarding the benefits of these vehicles.

Citizens of our state should care because autonomous vehicles present several important questions. Many citizens would bristle at the idea of corporations, or their technology, controlling their vehicles. Questions of safety are relevant to every citizen, because, as either a driver or passenger, nearly every resident of the state uses roads and highways. Citizens of North Carolina should care because autonomous vehicles may soon share the road with them, and they should understand the risks and benefits that come with using such vehicles.

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