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Opinion: FCA Club Adds to Life of School

by Gabby Beddingfield


As a Christian, I believe we are called to shine God’s light everywhere we go and share His love each day. Followers of Christ are called to be witnesses, and I think that the FCA club this year is already doing a great job of living out this calling. We have had an FCA club previously, but it wasn’t necessarily very consistent; bringing it back this year has been great.

This year, the FCA club has already hosted the “See You at the Pole” event, the dunking booth at Fall Family Night, and will host a campfire s'more roast after the homecoming soccer game.

While we are doing events schoolwide, we are also doing things within the club. The members of this club strengthen others in the club, as well as people outside of the club. We share His truth with others, and live out His Word as a community.

I want to quickly discuss a few verses from the Bible. John 15:12-14 (ESV) says, “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you.” God sent Jesus, His only Son, to die on the cross and rise again so that if we believe in Him, we can be forgiven. He died for us. That is a great love. We are called to love one another. God loves us so much and is our friend when we obey Him. He is open to us. So don’t waste His great love. Let’s love each other.

Note: all op-ed articles do not necessarily reflect the views of The Knight's Post or Greenfield School.

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