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Op-ed: Should students be able to grade their teachers?

By Emma Pridgen


Students grading teachers would mean giving them feedback sometimes on their teaching skills and how well students are learning from them. I think students should be able to grade their teachers, but not how they grade us, like on our work. We should be able to grade them on their teaching skills, how they act, and how well they teach us. It should not be a serious thing but more like a way for the teachers to know the kids' point of view and how much they are learning from the teachers.

With students being able to grade their teachers, it could help provide information on how they could improve their teaching skills. Teachers are there to help the students succeed, and they need the teachers to help them learn better. With students grading the teachers, the learning process could be made faster and easier.

Both the teachers and students can benefit from the students being able to grade them. With students giving feedback on the teaching skills and quality, it can ensure that the educational experience can improve for both. The teachers can also learn how they can improve to help the kids have a greater chance of succeeding.

I do not think students grading teachers should be an everyday thing, but once every month, they could have a time when they could make a “report card” for their teachers. The grading should be very formal and strictly just ways the students think their teachers could teach them to better their understanding.

I interviewed Mary Michael Mclamb. In my interview, I asked her questions about students being able to grade their teachers and her opinion on it. I asked her if she thought students should be able to grade their teachers and why. She answered, “I think we should be able to grade our teachers so that way they can get feedback on the way their teaching is impacting us.” I also did a poll and received 12 responses. Five students answered with no, and seven answered with yes. All with varied reasons why.

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