by Gabby Beddingfield
Entering the new territory of a new school is typically nerve-racking, but once students get settled in at Greenfield, they soon discover how great of a school it is. I asked students from the lower, middle, and upper schools to comment on their experience so far.

On the transition to Greenfield, junior Aivy Nguyen: “It was actually really scary. The first day was probably the worst day, but it’s fine now. I’m doing great.” Fourth-grader Luke Gaynor said, “I was nervous at first, but now I like it.”
Left: Junior Aivy Nyugen poses for photographer Jasmine Nguyen.
In regards to the academic rigor, Claire Davis, a new addition to the eighth-grade class, thought that “the academics are way better” at Greenfield than at her previous school and that she really liked her new classmates.
Jackson Bulluck, who is in sixth grade, agreed with Claire’s statement on the academics and that he “[likes] their sports because they give [students] a lot of opportunities.” Virginia Williamson, a kindergartener, said that she loved it at Greenfield as well.
When asked what’s different about Greenfield compared to other schools, freshman Anna Ramsey Watson said, “It’s small, the classes are really small.” Luke Gaynor agreed on the class size and that there is “more one-on-one” time with the teachers.
On behalf of The Knight's Post - welcome to Greenfield, new students!