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New head of school announced

by Darcy Dean and Gabby Beddingfield


As many of us know, our current Head of School Mrs. Peters is retiring after the end of the 2021-2022 school year. When asked why she decided to retire, Mrs. Peters said, “Because I’ve been here for 38 years, and that’s long enough.”

Recently, the school has found a new head of school for next year, Mrs. Rogers. Mrs. Rogers worked at Greenfield School as School Counselor from 2007-2014. She is currently working at Hunt High School as the Assistant Principal. The Greenfield family is excited to welcome Mrs. Rogers back to Greenfield School as Head of School in Fall 2022.

The school did not take finding a replacement for Mrs. Peters lightly. Much effort was put into the process of this task. Mr. Dan Whaley, chair of the Greenfield School Board of Trustees, was a part of the Search Committee to find a new Head of School for next year. This Search Committee consisted of nine members of the Board of Trustees and four Greenfield staff/faculty members. They began their search in August after the announcement of Mrs. Peters’ retirement. They received more than twenty applications from throughout the country. Virtual interviews, as well as other measures, were taken in finding the candidate best suited for the job. Six applicants were brought on campus for in-person interviews.

About these interviews, Mr. Whaley said, “As a part of these interviews, the candidates participated in small meet and greets with faculty, students, and parents and received a tour of the school.” After this process was completed, the Search Committee made the final decision, and Mrs. Rogers was chosen for the job.

Mrs. Rogers was chosen for this position for many different reasons. One reason she was chosen was because of her history with the school. As we mentioned earlier, Mrs. Rogers is currently working at Hunt High School and she was the guidance counselor here, at Greenfield School, from 2007-2014. Mr. Whaley said in an interview about Mrs. Rogers, “The search committee as a whole feels that Mrs. Rogers brings a unique skill-set and background to the position.”

The search committee is not the only group of people who are excited about having Mrs. Rogers return to Greenfield either. The current faculty are eager to have Mrs. Rogers return to Greenfield as well.

Ms. Shanyl Green was asked about her thoughts on what the new Head of School would bring to Greenfield. She said, “I cannot express how excited I was to find out that Deb Rogers had accepted the new Headmaster’s job.” Ms. Green also described Mrs. Rogers as an incredibly empathetic person who excels at putting herself in “others’ shoes.” As you can see, the announcement of the return of Mrs. Rogers as the new Head of School was extremely well received by both faculty members and staff members here, at Greenfield School.

Greenfield School has a lot to look forward to in the future. There are plans for growth, including new buildings being added to campus. On this subject, Mrs. Peters said, “We’ve got a plan to expand the campus with new buildings. I had a meeting on that just this past week for the first building to be built hopefully within the next two years.” About this school’s future, Mr. Whaley said, “Thanks to the hard work of Mrs. Peters and her team, along with the support of the Board of Trustees, Greenfield is in a tremendously good position.  Enrollment is at an all-time high with great students, and we are in great shape to sustain the growth that we have seen over the last few years.” Greenfield School will continue to provide a strong education for its students in the future. Mrs. Rogers will definitely play a big role in the future of Greenfield School, and a large sum of work will be needed in order for Greenfield’s full potential for the future to be met.

The Greenfield School faculty, staff, and students are extremely excited to welcome Mrs. Rogers back into our community. Throughout the entire search through tons of incredible candidates, Mrs. Rogers prevailed and will now make her mark on Greenfield as the new Head of School. Mrs. Rogers is an incredibly qualified person for the job and even has prior experience working at Greenfield. Mrs. Rogers will have a very high impact on the future of Greenfield School, and we can’t wait to see how she will influence us to become smarter and better versions of ourselves every day starting in the Fall of 2022.

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