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Is a Hot Dog a Sandwich?

by Jordan Corts and Zach Lozevski


Zach: The Hot Dog is Not a Sandwich

Most rational-minded people would say that if you asked for a sandwich, and you got a hot dog, you would most definitely be shocked. Yet, there is still a lot of debate and controversy around it. If you went to a hot dog vendor and asked for a sandwich, they would probably look at you as if you were crazy.

Most hot dog-sandwich shills would commonly refer to the Oxford English Dictionary and Merriam-Webster Dictionary definition of a sandwich as, “An item of food consisting of two pieces of bread with meat, cheese, or other filling between them, eaten as a light meal.” Furthermore, the Merriam-Webster Dictionary states a sandwich to be, “two or more slices of bread or a split roll having a filling in between.”

Yet the Oxford English Dictionary and Merriam-Webster Dictionary definition of a hot dog is completely different. A hot dog is, “a frankfurter, especially one served hot in a long, soft roll and topped with various condiments.” Now, the Merriam-Webster Dictionary states, “a frankfurter with a typically mild flavor that is heated and usually served in a long split roll.”A sandwich is two separate pieces of bread while a hot dog is one continuous long split piece of a soft roll.

If I went to a grand national sandwich convention with sandwiches around the world, I guarantee that there still would be no hot dogs on sale. Even the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council, which specializes in hot dog science, concluded that they were not sandwiches. This debate is not a matter of opinions, but facts.

Jordan: It is Too Subjective to Give an Objective Answer

Have you ever sat down to a family barbecue and spotted a scrumptious looking hotdog and wondered to yourself “Is this a sandwich?"

The standard definition of a sandwich according to the Oxford English Dictionary is “two slices of bread, often spread with butter, with a layer of meat, cheese, etc. between them.” However this does not account for diverse types of sandwiches. For example, a Sub also known as a Submarine-Sandwich, is defined as “a long bread roll split open along its length and filled with several types of food,” which is remarkably like a hotdog.

You are likely questioning the meaning of life and thinking things like “Is cereal soup?! Is a taco a sandwich?!”While that is an understandable question, it is no to both of those. Soup and Cereal are respectfully their own thing; soup is typically a boiled meat, vegetable, or fish cooked with a broth, and cereal just isn’t that. Same goes for tacos, tacos are their own thing, and you could try to apply the logic to hot dogs, but a hot dog is indeed just meat not buns.

While I could go on and on about food conspiracy, I would like to provoke you to go do your own research and form your opinion. After all this subject is extremely subjective.

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