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Girl's soccer reflects on season

by Gabby Beddingfield


The Greenfield Girls’ Varsity Soccer Team is drawing near to an end of their season. The players and coaches have put in large amounts of work and effort this season to get to where we are at this point. It hasn’t been the easiest season, but we have had some success over the course of the spring 2022 season.

Libby Eagles is a senior on the team and one of our three captains. She pointed out that we came into this season without some of our key players from last year, but the team didn’t let that stop them. Coach Randol Mendoza also made the point that two of the players we lost scored 74 goals combined last year. Eagles said, “We have had a little bit of a rebuilding year after losing so many seniors and great players last year, but the team has worked really hard to improve. I am so proud of everyone’s effort and everything we have accomplished this far.”

Both Eagles and Coach Mendoza have high hopes for the end of the season. Eagles hopes for us to work hard and “finish this season off stronger than it started.” Regarding the goal for the rest of the season, Coach Mendoza said, “It’s to try to play in the last game of the season and to feature in the state championship game.”

Up to this point, the Girls’ Varsity Soccer Team has had success, and we hope to make it all the way. In Coach Mendoza’s words, “I think the team’s greatest success is yet to be seen.”

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