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Fiction: What I Loved the Most

by Ethan Carraway


The beautiful sound of a leaf rushing away from its origin in the trees only to be crushed by the merciless feet of a passerby is just like the dreams I had and how I feel today. As we sit here, we plot our lives and dream of a better life, knowing that fate was never on our side. The reality is that what we deserve is something that can’t be achieved by sitting around, so that’s why we are fighting for a dream of ours. My name is John Krasinski, and I joined Teacher Pay Reform a couple months ago, before SINC took over. SINC stands for Superintendents Never Cared, which is what we call the people at the top of the school board. Ever since our pay was cut, teachers just like me had a simple choice: quit or fight back, and you can guess that most found new jobs to fund their daily needs. The few that stayed were either fired or still want to enact change. Our students know that there is nothing they can do, but that doesn’t stop them from caring for us and showing their appreciation for our choice to continue teaching. I love my students, but I don’t think this alliance will last much longer.

Chapter 1: The Riot

Today is the day that the teacher riot is supposed to happen. I hope it goes well, but we might lose a little resistance in the process. It’s a war that I'm prepared to fight, but how loud can the dog bark before the squirrel fights back? SINC isn’t scared to show their power in action, especially against teachers who like to get physical with SINC members. Just a month ago at the Green Hill Riot we lost 13 resistance fighters! I don’t think this is the way to go and I know just what to do. I’ll join SINC and infiltrate their defenses so I can take them down. How will I get in? I’m gonna need a promotion.

Chapter 2: Power Rises

I got a raise from working so hard to improve the school but my actions caused other teachers’ pay to be cut even further! That’s not what I wanted to happen, but the light will shine through after the storm if everything goes right. I really hope that the rest of the resistance doesn’t hate me for this decision because it’s for the greater good. The next time I get a chance for a raise, I’m heading for SINC.

Chapter 3: Feelings change

I got the chance for a raise and secured my seat in SINC; it’s great here! Even so, I can’t lose my focus on the goal: get to the top of SINC and take it down. I had to leave my students, coworkers, and old job behind to get to where I am now and there is nothing that can stop me! This power surge has given me a new way to think about my social hierarchy. SINC controls all schools across the country and has the power to shut down any school at any time, so there’s no time for sitting around, it’s time to have some fun!

Chapter 4: A Loss of Focus

“BREAKING NEWS!!! Schools all around the country are being shut down due to one man, John Krasinski, who is a part of the SINC. If you find this man, turn him in for a million-dollar prize!” That’s exactly what the news reporter said today while I shut down yet another school. It’s been six months since I infiltrated SINC, but I feel so empty, like my purpose has been lost, and the fun has worn out. I got the new job, I purged the schools, and forgot my reason to be here. How could I forget the reason why I was here in the first place? The whole world is coming for my head.

Chapter 5: The Fall of Power

Well, this is it. The sound of a leaf rushing away from its origin in the trees just to be crushed by the merciless feet of a passerby is just like the dreams I had and how I feel today. As we sit here, we plot our lives and dream of a better life knowing that fate was never on our side. The greedy reality is that what we deserve is something that can’t be achieved, and as the walls close in around me, I regret ever being a teacher. I regret doing what I loved the most. 

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