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Class of 2022 Spotlight: Brenner Cobb

by Garrison Wester


Brenner Cobb has been a key factor to what the Greenfield environment has been made into and he will surely be missed as he goes on to his college life. He is nothing short of what a Greenfield student should be like, and he takes pride in that and does the best possible to spread his character to others. Brenner's dedication and contributions to the school are incredible and when teachers or anyone on campus needs a hand, he seems to always be the guy that steps in and helps even when he doesn’t have to, but he still does it anyway.

Above: Brenner Cobb as photographed by Jasmine Nguyen.

GW: How long have you been attending Greenfield?

BC: I have been at Greenfield since first grade. I came in September of 2011.

GW: What course have you taken that has had an effect on your everyday life now?

BC: I would say AP US government and politics. I am very interested in government to begin with and very interested in political affairs and political events, but I think taking AP US GOPO has kind of reinforced the idea that everything is very complex, and events today are the results of things that have been going on with past historical events. It’s helped me realize the complexity of current events that may see simple at the moment but realize that they have historical underpinnings.”

GW: If you could go back and redo something that you have done, what would you change?

BC: I would be more social in 9th and 10th grade, I wasn’t so confident in myself and my social abilities in those earlier years in high school and as a result I didn’t make too many friendships and, then when the pandemic started, and we were all at home I didn’t really have to many friends to contact so I was kind of on my own stuck at home and that pretty much sucked so I would go back and be more social. I have definitely become more social in the past two years and really this year and I am better off because of it.

GW: What do you wish you got involved in more while you have been in Greenfield?

BC: I would say that I wish I got more involved with the clubs. I had some good experiences with some of the clubs like YAG, I have also written for the journalism club. I am proud of my involvement in those, but I wish I got involved in a few more clubs.

GW: What teacher had an effect on your personal life?

BC: Mrs. Meta Melchoir, who passed away several years ago, was a teacher who had a major impact on me. She taught me while I was in fourth grade, and her kindness impacted everyone she met. Mrs. Melchoir helped teach me how important kindness is and taught me to always help others and treat people well. She was a living example of the Golden Rule ("treat others as you want to be treated"). Her determination and strength while fighting her cancer serves as an inspiration, as she was able to keep her head up and maintain a positive mindset/outlook, even when she was sick.

GW: What legacy and impact do you wish you have left at Greenfield?

BC: I hope I left a mark on leadership; I think everyone in my class looks up to me as an unofficial leader, a situational leader and I hope that I have left a positive mark on their lives.

GW: What do you want to do with your life? What college? What major? What career job?

BC: My number one college is UNC Chapel Hill, and I will go either for peace, war, and defense major or contemporary European studies. I have also applied to George Washington in Washington D.C. I was admitted to a university in Spain. I want to go into the international relations field, possibly with the Concentration Security Policy, so definitely something International Relations or Geopolitics field. In terms of my personal life, I am not committed to living in the U.S. after college and wherever my job takes me, if that is Europe or in the U.S., I am not opposed to living where my job could take me.

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