by Connor Daniel
In August 1946, Parker’s BBQ in Wilson, North Carolina was founded. When Parker’s first opened it had two buildings that connected, one held barbeque and sweet tea and the other held oysters and liquor. They had to decide on which building to keep going and they chose the Barbeque should stay.
In 1954 Parkers catered for a group of 14,000 people. They charged .75 cents a plate and when they got the check Parkers could easily pay off all their bills. This really helped the business get the word of the new restaurant to people in Wilson. The menu consists of Fried Chicken, Slaw, BBQ, boneless wings, Brunswick Stew, and many more country styled plates. Seventy-seven years later the business now goes through over 150 hogs in a week. The hogs are cooked off multiple gas cookers in a shed behind the restaurant. Parker’s is always busy and if you are a hard worker then Parkers is a perfect place for you to go.
Parker’s has many employees that work on both the floor and in the kitchen. Kenan Howell, who is an employee at Parker’s, states “it is a great option for teenagers you will walk out with cash in hand every day you work. It is an excellent job also because you will work on your writing and communication skills.”. Parker’s is one of Wilsons best known restaurants because of the origin and the food.