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Behind the Scenes: Mrs. Sarah Bradley

by Garrison Wester


Mrs. Bradley is the guidance counselor at Greenfield School, and most people do not realize the amount of hard work she puts in every day. She does guidance sessions with upper school classes, and on top of that she also teaches classes. Mrs. Bradley is also a very reliable and approachable source for many students at Greenfield to talk to when they are having a bad day and need to talk it out. She is also very involved with the seniors at Greenfield as the frequently meets with all of them and discusses the process of getting into college and she is by their side the whole way there.

Above: Mrs. Sarah Bradley; photo courtesy of Jasmine Nguyen.

GW: How long have you been at Greenfield for?

SB: I have been at Greenfield School for eight years.

GW: What is your role at Greenfield and what do you in a given day?

SB: One of the things that I like about my role is that everyday is slightly different. There are a few things that are the same. I teach 1st,7th, and 8th period. I teach phycology two periods and then I teach college prep. Throughout the rest of my day it might be different. I might be doing a club, a student may come in and they are having a bad day, or I might be doing some interviews with some seniors. All sorts of different things.

GW: What is your favorite part about Greenfield?

SB: My favorite part about Greenfield as a whole is that I love to watch the little kids interact with the big kids. I think it is something that we have been missing a little bit because of us not being able to do as much because of Covid. To me that is the most magical part about Greenfield.

GW: Do you feel that you are appreciated enough by the Greenfield Community?

SB: That’s such a tough question. I feel like yes. I think that most people don’t 100% understand what I do until you graduate and by then you are gone. A lot of my job is a bit confidential so if you are having a bad day the only person that knows that we have had that conversation and worked through it is you.

GW: With all you are doing, is it hard to manage your time?

SB: It is very hard to manage my time. I wear a lot of different roles that are very very different, and I still help oversee the rest of the guidance department in the school, so I really do feel like I work with every single family on campus and every single kid. Even though Mrs. Brown is here and handling preschool through eighth grade, I still try to help her. Especially in the fall, when the seniors are working on their college applications, it is a lot to juggle in the evenings and on the weekends.

GW: How do the students at Greenfield affect you and how much do you love being involved with the kids around campus?

SB: I think that the students at Greenfield are amazing, and they keep me young, making me laugh every day and I think that your generation of kids gets a bad rap for a lot of reasons, for being entitled or beings kids that do not want to get involved in things but that is not what I see at all. I see this really amazing group of kids who want to support each other, who want to do community service, and who want to be involved. I think that you guys are going to change the world.

GW: What do you enjoy doing outside of school?

SB: I really like to exercise; I do that a lot and go on walks. I love hanging out with my family and my dogs. I also enjoy traveling.

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