by Clara Graf
Spirit week, an event were creativity and fun meets together in school, opens the creative minds of everyone and encourages to let your spirit be free.
I spoke with SGA president Nathan Lozevski, and we discussed the mottos, thoughts, and ideas behind the week.
The Monday of spirit week will be an off day, and the last day of Fall Break. On Tuesday it´s going be the “anything but a backpack” day. Nathan said, “You can bring a bin, a purse, or anything that can carry your school supplies." The inspiration behind this according to Nathan, is a Tik Tok.
On Wednesday we have “Minion day”: “It can be the slightest thing like wearing blue shorts and a yellow T-shirt," said Lozevski. Thursday will be Jersey day, so bring your favorite jersey to wear!
When I asked Nathan about the expectations for the week, he replied,” Often a good amount of people really get into it, but what counts is the thought and the fun behind it!”. So don´t be shy and try out new stuff! I think we can expect a wonderful spirit week ahead of us!