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A Closer Look at Greenfield's Shooting Team

by Tyler Thompson


When most think of sports at Greenfield, they think of soccer, basketball, and baseball, but most do not think of the shooting team here at Greenfield. Shooting is a sport that students such as Lee Powell, Davis Boyd, and Thomas Stronach are all interested in.

“We'll start practice maybe in late winter or February. We'll get out every Sunday on Rose Hill plantation,” said Lee Powell.

Shooting is something that takes commitment and dedication. Lee Powell practices even before they start in February. High accuracy is also required.

“The best I've done was in the competition we had last year was 83 out of 100 shots,” said Lee.

In a competition, there are several different stations. Each station will have clay fly out one at a time from different angles and directions. “It might get above our heads, it might get directly across this, it might come diagonally, [it] might come straight at us,” said Lee.

It is not an easy feat to hit every target, but Lee holds himself to a high standard. “I’m always gonna try to do my best,” said Lee. He tries to maintain a high accuracy throughout the competitions.

The Shooting Team is not all business, though; Lee remembers funny story involving a cow.

“One time [at a competition] there's this cow, because [Rose Hill] is on a pasture. This a large pasture so they're not putting them in the way of harm, [he just] wandered over. He was maybe fifty yards away or something like that. And he was standing right there. So I was gonna shoot the clay (there's a certain point where you're supposed to shoot, the slowest point is easiest to shoot), at the point [that was] right in between me and the cow. I said ‘pull’, and when that clay came across I shot at I don't know if I hit [the clay] or not, but that cow got peppered. I mean he's probably had that happen 200 times before but it was kind of funny. Just knowing that it didn't hurt him was reassuring, but [it was] funny.”

Shooting is something that Lee looks forward to every year. He enjoys the competition and also the fun experiences he encounters along the way. He cannot wait for it to start up again, and he hopes to improve on what he has done in the past.

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